Ultimate Woodstain
DULUX TRADE ULTIMATE WOODSTAIN is a high performance solvent-based exterior woodstain which produces a water-repellent satin finish. Unique Ultimate wood protection technology from Dulux Trade means exterior joinery is protected from extreme weather for up to 10 years if used in accordance with instructions, and so looks better for longer. Suitable for hardwoods and softwoods.
Key Benefits
- 10 year weathershield protection
- Doors, windows & other joinery
Application information
Up to 20m2 per litre
Touch dry
4-6 hours
See attached datasheet for this product
Surface Preparation & Application
To get the best results, ensure surfaces to be treated are sound, clean and dry. Remove all loose and defective coatings, if necessary stripping back to bare wood. Where the surface has been previously painted, it will be necessary to strip back to bare wood if the coating is in poor condition.